cathleen crobons home page fitness recipe blog

Hey there,
I’m Cathleen!

mom, wife & entrepreneur

If you enjoy living a healthier lifestyle, you came to the right place!

I started this journey as a young mom of a two year old & 5 month old.

Talk about a challenge!

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Then throw in figuring out my child was sensitive to food additives…Well that’s where I feel like all the learning began for me. I became my own researcher and my family's advocate.

It’s been over 20 years of learning, applying and helping others. Although I don’t have a formal degree or a fancy certification, I do have real life expertise!

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From mom to business owner, I found my passion.

I count myself lucky that I’ve been able to merge these passions and share them with you. Whether that be with fitness, food, lifestyle or just my random feelings, I hope this is a space where you feel inspired!

Many hugs,
